Sunday, 6 November 2011


The JavaScript web server framework.

You can re-use existing Javascript skill to write a server side application.

What does that mean to me if I am a SharePoint/ .Net Web developer?

You can write a quick and easy JavsScript application to access backend system, such as MS SQL, MySQL and many more. It is crossed platform!!


You are looking a highly efficient and performance for concurrent application.

Do I need to write everything by myself?

Not really, that is many modules can plug into your application. Visit this for further details


Build-in debug framework  or third-party tools, e.g.  Node GDB or Node Inspector.

So, what is the benefits of using the Node.js?
  • No extra language to learn but Node’s syntax.
  • Scalable and parallel infrastructure.
  • Lightweight and memory efficient.
  • Crossed platform

To find out more about this great stuff

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